
Biomarker-guided trials: Challenges in practice

*Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications* 2019; 16:100493

When to keep it simple - Adaptive designs are not always useful

*BMC Medicine* 2019; 17:152

Multi-arm multi-stage trials can improve the efficiency of finding effective treatments for stroke: A case study

*BMC Cardiovascular Disorders* 2018; 18(1):215

Development process of a consensus-driven CONSORT extension for randomised trials using an adaptive design

*BMC Medicine* 2018; 16(1):210

Group sequential crossover trial designs with strong control of the familywise error rate

*Sequential Analysis* 2018; 37(2):174-203

A novel nano-iron supplement to safely combat iron deficiency and anaemia in young children: The IHAT-GUT double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial protocol

*Gates Open Research* 2018; 2:48

Blinded and unblinded sample size reestimation in crossover trials balanced for period

*Biometrical Journal* 2018; 60(5):917-933

Blinded and unblinded sample size reestimation procedures for stepped-wedge cluster randomized trials

*Biometrical Journal* 2018; 60(5):903-916

Healthy Campus Trial: A multiphase optimization strategy (MOST) fully factorial trial to optimize the smartphone cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) app for mental health promotion among university students: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

*Trials* 2018; 19:353

Group sequential clinical trial designs for normally distributed outcome variables

*The Stata Journal* 2018; 18(2):416-431