Sarah Al Ashmori
Andy Bryant
Thomas Chadwick
Svetlana Cherlin
Mike Cole
Holly Fisher
Tony Fouweather
Shaun Hiu
Dorcas Kareithi
Ann Breeze Konkoth
Nan Lin
Jingky Lozano-Kuehne
Helen Mossop
Ellen Moss
Aritra Mukherjee
Jérémie Nsengimana
Vicky Ryan
Marzieh Shahmandi
Moha Shojaei
Dawn Teare
James Wason
Faye Williamson
Nina Wilson
Sylvia Zhang
PhD students
Ruqayya Azher
Nicole Cizauskas
Laura Etfer
Niamh Fitzgerald
Raiann Hamshaw
Pela Okorie
Samuel Sarkodie
Lou Whitehead
Methodology research
Adaptive designs
Master protocols
Transforming IMID trials
Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures
Leveraging External Information
Precision Medicine Clinical Trials
Instrumental variables in real‐world clinical studies of dementia and neurodegenerative disease: Systematic review of the subject‐matter argumentation, falsification test, and study design strategies to justify a valid instrument
Tonsillectomy compared with conservative management in patients over 16 years with recurrent sore throat: the NATTINA RCT and economic evaluation
Clinical effectiveness of septoplasty versus medical management for nasal airways obstruction: multicentre, open label, randomised controlled trial
Conservative management versus tonsillectomy in adults with recurrent acute tonsillitis in the UK (NATTINA): a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial
Current practices in studies applying the target trial emulation framework: a protocol for a systematic review
I-SOCIALISE: Results from a cluster randomised controlled trial investigating the social competence and isolation of children with autism taking part in LEGO® based therapy (‘Play Brick Therapy’) clubs in school environments
Safety and efficacy of an artificial intelligence-enabled decision tool for treatment decisions in neovascular age-related macular degeneration and an exploration of clinical pathway integration and implementation: protocol for a multi-methods validation study
Precision medicine in laryngeal cancer: protocol of the laryngeal cancer cohort (LARCH)
One-session treatment compared with multisession CBT in children aged 7–16 years with specific phobias: the ASPECT non-inferiority RCT
Cost and effectiveness of one session treatment (OST) for children and young people with specific phobias compared to multi-session cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT): results from a randomised controlled trial