
Sample size re-estimation in crossover trials: Application to the AIM HY-INFORM study

*Trials* 2019;20:665

Two-stage adaptive designs for three-treatment bioequivalence studies

*Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research* 2019; 11(4):360-374

A review of perspectives on the use of randomization in phase II oncology trials

*JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute* 2019; 111(12):1255-1262

Exact group sequential designs for two-arm experiments with Poisson distributed outcome variables

*Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods* 2019

Admissible multiarm stepped‐wedge cluster randomized trial designs

*Statistics in Medicine* 2019; 38(7):1103-1119

Re-formulating Gehan's design as a flexible two-stage single-arm trial

*BMC Medical Research Methodology* 2019; 19:22

Calculations involving the multivariate normal and multivariate t distributions with and without truncation

*The Stata Journal* 2018; 18(4):826-843

Reporting of the CONSORT extension for stepped-wedge cluster randomised trials: Extension of the CONSORT 2010 statement with explanation and elaboration

*BMJ* 2018; 363:k1614

Group sequential crossover trial designs with strong control of the familywise error rate

*Sequential Analysis* 2018; 37(2):174-203

Blinded and unblinded sample size reestimation in crossover trials balanced for period

*Biometrical Journal* 2018; 60(5):917-933